
Wednesday, December 1, 2021

End of NaNoWriMo Party!

For all of you who participated in NaNoWriMo...


This is a party to celebrate! Whether you won it or not – great job! You challenged yourself to do something hard and difficult and that alone is an accomplishment, that alone is something to feel proud of yourself over! So give yourself a pat on the back, treat yourself to a bowl of ice cream, scream for all the world to hear! (Okay, maybe forgo the screaming, someone may call the police. . .)

And if you did write those 50k words then celebrate even harder because you're totally awesome! That is a LOT of words and you should feel excited over that. I've seen people on Instagram who have written over 50k and I think that is totally (insane) incredible! Personally, it took all of my brain power to reach 55,546 (not to be exact or anything. . .can't help but be proud for every single word) and I am so excited for actually achieving that! I have never written that much in that short amount of time before so I am having a very proud moment.

I actually did not join NaNoWriMo officially though. I joined the challenge unofficially and participated in The King's Daughters' Writing Camp and Writers In Faith over on Slack, it was a lot of fun surrounded by such amazing, encouraging people! I couldn't have asked for better people to be around.

Speaking of NaNo. . .I actually want to apologize. I said at the beginning of this month that I was going to have a lot of fun content coming your way and I haven't followed through completely with that. Maybe it wasn't the wisest decision to say that at the beginning of November and then spontaneously decide to join NaNo as well. XD (Yes, I decided to join the challenge the day before November 1st, don't judge.) Hopefully next month will be better!

But back to writing!

I worked on two projects this past month. One that I have already been working on and the other a brand new WIP. The first is a YA, pirate, adventure novel about love and acceptance and the second a YA, dystopian with Robin Hood vibes. I am thoroughly in love with them both and had a blast! I thought I would share a few quotes from them for your enjoyment, so here you go. . .

She's all I have left so I don't see the harm in following her wishes, even if they are a little smothering. She means best, and she loves me. That's all that matters to me.” She smiled warmly with a content look about her face.

I could admire that. Though I didn't think I would ever be able to follow such wishes if our roles were reversed, I did envy the obvious love she had for Wynne. I'd never had a person to love like that.

~YA, pirate novel

The other side of the wall. Outlawed. Everyone who did something wrong or disregarded the government's rules was sentenced over the wall, to be outlawed. Just like Father and Alyx.

~YA, dystopian novel

Climb down into the hole,” he said briskly.

I cocked my head. “What if I don't want to?”

Then I will lift you up and throw you down without a single care to how many bones you break in the process.” His tone proved he was dead serious.

I think I'll climb down.”

Good choice.”

~YA, dystopian novel

There you have it! My first ever NaNoWriMo experience. Let me know how your month went! Did you complete your goal? More importantly, did you have a blast no matter how many words you wrote? What were you working on? Be sure and let me know in the comments!




  1. Whoop - whoop!!!!!!!! I'm sooo proud of you for getting that many words this month!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Head explosion* (Yes, you're still insane. XD)
    I looooovvvveeeee the snippets!!!! When are these getting finished and published??? XP
    Dis I have a blast writing this month even if my word count was nothing compared to yours?? (Okay, I'm being funny here. XD Don't get after me for not downing the epic 15k I wrote XP XD) Yes. Yes I did. XD XD I haven't had that much fun since before July. So I'm very, very happy. XD Great blog post, girly! Love 'em! Keep up the good work! *Ike* (if you were told who he was. XD)

    1. Thanks so much, girl!!! I can't believe it myself!! I did not expect to actually be able to get that many words this month, it makes me so happy!!! (Haha! Well, what's new?)
      Yay! Glad you liked them!! Hehe. Well, one of these days. . .I suppose only God knows. XD
      You better be joking!! Because 15k is an accomplishment in and of itself!! You go, girl!!!! 🥳 I'm so glad you enjoyed it so well!! Next year here we come!! 😏
      Thanks, Kenzie!! 💙 I will!

  2. Next year here we come indeed!!!!! I bust be on the verge of insanity or something, because I'm seriously in the mood to try writing 50k in a month. XD XD (Oooooops, I meant I'm on the verge of insanity level 2. We both know I'm already insane. XD)

    1. 🤣🤣 Haha!! You're totally insane, girl! We can do this next year!! Lots of tea and encouragement and anything is possible! 😎


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