
Friday, November 27, 2020

The Avid Reader Tag

Hello, everyone! Welcome back to Shay's Scribbles! Today I'm going to do an Avid Readers Tag! 😄

   Here are the rules:
     1. Display the blog award logo in your blog
     2. Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you. Thanks so much, Sawyer!!
     3. Do not forget to link to their blogging website. Link here.
     4. List your favorite 5 books.
     5. Answer all the questions they have given you.
     6. Nominate 4 bloggers of your choice.
     7. Ask them 10 questions.

Five Favorite Books

Only five? 😧 That's a very small number but I'll do my best.

   1. The False Prince by Jennifer Nielsen
   2. Words on Fire by Jennifer Nielsen
   3. Robin Hood by Howard Pyle
   4. Anne of Green Gables by L. M. Montgomery
   5. Searching For You by Jody Hedlund

At least those are my top five favorite right now, they're always changing. 😜


Wow! These look like a lot of fun! Thanks, Sawyer!

1. What is your all time favorite book quote/s?

Let's see...

"If I'm about to get killed I won't check the rules to see if my survival fits with someone's codebook of fair play."
-The False Prince

"If I cannot look at you as an equal I will not look at all."
-The False Prince

"A person can be educated and still be stupid, and a wise man can have no education at all."
-The False Prince

"Just because it's possible doesn't mean it's wise."
-The False Prince

"Everyone gets scared at times. It's only the fools who won't admit it."
-The Runaway King

"Books themselves are freedom. Freedom to think, to believe, to dream."
-Words on Fire

There's so many!! But I tried to contain myself. 😜 (And - if you can't tell - yes my favorite author is Jennifer Nielsen.)

2. If you could go back in time and meet any author, who would it be?

Mark Twain!

3. What is your favorite classic book?

Hmm, that's a hard one! I think I'm going to go with Robin Hood but that may change as I read more classics.

4. Series or single books?

While I love series and a lot of times love the continuing on of the story, I overall prefer singles. I feel like those are sometimes the most memorable and there's not the trouble of trying to remember which one in the series a certain part was in.

5. Tell me your feelings on dog-ears (when someone folds the page of the book.) *cringes*

Personally, I do not like to dog-ear pages and I don't like it when other people do it either. I feel it tears up the books but that's just my opinion.

6. What is your favorite book you remember from when you were a baby?

Um, well, the only books I remember from when I was younger is Scooby-Doo and about the Solar System. 😂 I actually wasn't much of a reader then and certainly if it didn't have pictures! 😜

7. What was your first book you ever fell in love with?

As in truly and fully fell in love with? Because I'm sure there's been books that I've loved before but the first book that I truly fell in love with was The False Prince by Jennifer Nielsen. *sigh* That is a great book!

8. What is your favorite Indie book?

I don't know if I've ever read an indie book. If I have than I'm not remembering it! 😂

9. Favorite snack to eat while reading?


10. What position are you most in while reading? (sitting, lying down, walking around, etc.)

I'll sit in any position - whatever is most comfortable at the time - but my favorite position and the one I'm in most of the time is kneeling beside my bed. I know, it's really odd but it's so comfortable! I would definitely recommend it!! 😜

Nominate 4 Bloggers

My Questions

   1. What is the worst book you have ever read?
   2. What is your favorite cover of the books you've read?
   3. What is the latest/earliest you have ever stayed up reading?
   4. If you could be any character you've read who would it be?
   5. Have you ever cried over a book? If so, what book was it?
   6. Do you like to listen to music while reading? If so, what music do you like to listen to?
   7. What's your favorite genre and why?
   8. What's your least favorite genre and why?
   9. Has there ever been a male character that you loved so much you wished you could marry him?
   10. If you could have any fictional character for a sibling who would it be?

I hope you all enjoyed this post! Feel free to answer the questions in the comments if you want! I would love to hear your answers!


Sunday, November 15, 2020

Writing Prompt #2


This was such a fun prompt, Abby! Thank you for it! It actually developed into something I didn't quite expect and I'm thinking I may have to write more in it! I see a short story or possibly even a book in it's future... We'll see. 😜


I want to apologize that I didn't go in order the prompts were given me! I just picked the one that spoke to me as I'm sure I'll do every time. But, I promise, I will get to them all!


Please feel free to give me more prompts whether they be a couple sentences or a picture, just leave them in the comments. I'll take as many as y'all give me!


Now, for the what you've all been waiting for...

Watching the coffin being lowered into the ground was the hardest thing I hoped I would ever have to experience. I glanced around at the people watching the procession and I wondered if any of them knew what this meant. It was the beginning of war.


No one could murder the Princess of Xymer and not be punished for it, let alone the country of Lani whom we had been on the brink of war with for the past year. The king hadn't wanted it to come to this, he thought if he just made a show of cordiality and continually looked the other way then everything would be fine – that they would work out their differences. But they never would, and the princess had known that.


They began to shovel dirt over top of the coffin and I flinched every time it hit the wooden structure. Missing her was so hard. It wouldn't be, if she were really gone.


But she wasn't gone, she was simply in hiding. When murder was unsuccessfully tried upon her she had been forced to make a quick decision and had decided that she would disappear for the sake of her country, telling no one that she was really alive. Except for me.


She had realized that it would be smart for someone to know the truth and that she could trust me with it. I was honored and dismayed all at the same time. It was a heavy secret to bear and I was terrified that someone would find out just by a wrong look on my part or a wrong word.


The empty coffin was now fully buried beneath the ground and the mourners began to turn away and return to their separate homes. I stood there for a moment longer before doing the same. I had vowed that I would carry her secret to the grave if need be but I prayed that it would not come to that.



Sunday, November 8, 2020

DIY Stationary

Today I have a few pen-pals I need to write back to and I decided to make my own stationary for fun! I thought I would share with you a couple of ways I'm making it.

To start out I take however many pieces of paper I need (I just use copy paper) and fold it in half to find the middle then cut them in half with a paper cutter. Of course, you could leave it the regular size if you want to but personally I like the little size.

So far my all time favorite way is with washi tape! I love washi tape!! I just take a strip and put half of the strip on one side, flip the paper over and fold it over the other side. Then you do that to each side and voila! You have some beautiful stationary!

Once I put the washi tape around the edges I take a ruler and make a line of dots with a pencil (DON'T us a pen, trust me I did it and you could clearly see the line of dots and it looked awful. If you can see the pencil dots you can go back and erase them) a quarter inch apart. Then I use the ruler and make a line where each dot is, now you can use a pen. 😜 Or you don't have to make lines if you want to save on time or just prefer the look. I like it both ways.


You can also take a lined sheet of paper and put it behind the piece of paper to simply trace the lines. That's a simple, easy way to get nice looking lines. I think I might try it this way sometime soon.

The last way I have to show you is with stamps. I think stamps are very fun to use and very pretty when used! This one is pretty self-explanatory. 😜

I hope these were helpful for you and that you try them sometime! I would love feedback on what you thought of this post, did you enjoy it? Would you like to see more crafty posts? I hope you have a blessed rest of your day!



Sunday, November 1, 2020

Writing Prompt #1


Hey, y'all! I am overjoyed to be posting my first blog post!


My focus for this blog will be my writing but, to shake things up a bit here and there, I plan to do some fun posts as well. Besides sharing the occasional short story, I thought it would be fun for you guys to give me writing prompts! Whether it be a picture or a sentence or two, I would love for you guys to share these in the comments. Don't be shy, I would love as many as possible! I'll get to them all eventually. 😜


And so, without further ado, here is my first writing prompt, given to me by my best friend...

Annalyse thrashed about in bed, helplessly tangling herself into her blanket. There it was again. A thump, thump noise kept sounding from the attic and she sat up in bed, straining her ears toward the noise. Nothing. She laid back down with a sigh, telling herself it was just her imagination and that she needed to get some sleep. Her head had no sooner touched the pillow when she heard it again. A thump, thump, almost as if someone was pacing back and forth up there. She sat up, tossed her blanket aside, and threw her legs over the side of the bed with a determination of a soldier going into battle. The sound had made her sleepless long enough, it was time to investigate.

She tip toed her way past her roommates bed, peeking at Hannah as she went to make certain she was asleep. To her relief she was snoring so loud and sleeping so deeply a raging battle couldn't have woken her. Opening the door of their bedroom, she crept out into the hallway, cringing when her foot found a creaky floor board. She paused, half expecting Miss Dean to come barreling out of her bedroom down the hall, demanding answers for why she was out of bed after curfew. After a hesitant minute of waiting she breathed a sigh of relief and continued her way towards the attic.


At the bottom of the stairs she stopped and stared up at the engulfing blackness ahead. She glanced over her shoulder, half considering returning to the comfort of her bed. Then she heard the noise again and squared her shoulders, knowing if she didn't do this now she never would. Putting one foot in front of the other she made way up the stairs.


Before she knew it she was at the attic's door, staring at its protruding form. She put her hand on the door knob but before she could turn it she heard voices from within. Or, a voice. She pressed her ear to the door and heard what sounded like one person talking. Before she lost her nerve she turned the knob and thrust open the door, revealing a petite auburn haired, brown eyed girl. All they could do was stare at one another as they waited for the other one to make the first move.



Author Interview | Kristina Hall

  Author Interview What made you want to start writing? I’ve always loved stories and have been a big reader of Christian fiction since I wa...