
Sunday, November 15, 2020

Writing Prompt #2


This was such a fun prompt, Abby! Thank you for it! It actually developed into something I didn't quite expect and I'm thinking I may have to write more in it! I see a short story or possibly even a book in it's future... We'll see. 😜


I want to apologize that I didn't go in order the prompts were given me! I just picked the one that spoke to me as I'm sure I'll do every time. But, I promise, I will get to them all!


Please feel free to give me more prompts whether they be a couple sentences or a picture, just leave them in the comments. I'll take as many as y'all give me!


Now, for the what you've all been waiting for...

Watching the coffin being lowered into the ground was the hardest thing I hoped I would ever have to experience. I glanced around at the people watching the procession and I wondered if any of them knew what this meant. It was the beginning of war.


No one could murder the Princess of Xymer and not be punished for it, let alone the country of Lani whom we had been on the brink of war with for the past year. The king hadn't wanted it to come to this, he thought if he just made a show of cordiality and continually looked the other way then everything would be fine – that they would work out their differences. But they never would, and the princess had known that.


They began to shovel dirt over top of the coffin and I flinched every time it hit the wooden structure. Missing her was so hard. It wouldn't be, if she were really gone.


But she wasn't gone, she was simply in hiding. When murder was unsuccessfully tried upon her she had been forced to make a quick decision and had decided that she would disappear for the sake of her country, telling no one that she was really alive. Except for me.


She had realized that it would be smart for someone to know the truth and that she could trust me with it. I was honored and dismayed all at the same time. It was a heavy secret to bear and I was terrified that someone would find out just by a wrong look on my part or a wrong word.


The empty coffin was now fully buried beneath the ground and the mourners began to turn away and return to their separate homes. I stood there for a moment longer before doing the same. I had vowed that I would carry her secret to the grave if need be but I prayed that it would not come to that.




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