
Tuesday, November 23, 2021

How to Write Faster by Writing Slower

What if I told you that by writing slower you could, in a sense, write faster? That instead of stressing and cranking out those words, you could get more written by relaxing and taking it slow. Would you think me insane? Probably. I think that of myself most of the time. But stick with me because I'm actually very serious about this.

Think about it. When was the last time you really felt you had to crank those words out to make your word count for the day? With it being NaNoWriMo this month it could have been as soon as yesterday. Or maybe it was another time when you were doing a fun challenge with friends. Think back to how you felt.

Did you ever get really stressed and maybe even panicked that you wouldn't be able to meet your deadline? Or that if you didn't get three hundred words in the next five minutes then there was simply no hope for you? I've been there. I've been in that position, that feeling of, “you have to write faster!”. But now think back to what happened.

You froze.

You had become so concentrated on the amount of words needing written that you worked yourself into a stressed/panicked state of mind. And you forgot to let the story flow naturally. That is the key right there, letting the story flow naturally.

Now remember one of your best writing days. Were you focused on your word count, or were you focused on the story? My money's on the side that says you focused on your story. Because that's what happens when you let the words unfold on their own timing and let the story tell itself. They come naturally.

I used to sit down at the computer and think “okay, I want to get this amount of words written and I can't get up until I do,”. Now I sit down and think “what's going to happen in my story today?”. See what I did there? I focused on the story instead of the word count and that is where your focus should always be. And, as a bonus, I always get a higher word count as a result of it.

But, by the end of the day, I no longer care about how many words I wrote, I care about the quality of my work. I always feel I write my best on these days. With your focus in the right place, you can too. It's all about quality over quantity and, in the end, you can have both.

So, my friend, I hope on your next writing day you will give this method a try. And when you do I really hope you'll come back and tell me in the comments how it went. I can't wait to hear from you! Until next time.




  1. GIRL! You just out my scrambled up thoughts into words!!!!!!! This is why I hate PR (Jakob and Ferne) so much, it's because I forced the story and didn't LET THE STORY FLOW NATURALLY. *sits back in seat and stares* Wow. I would force myself to write 1,000 words daily and not get up until then because I wanted to write 45k in 30 days. And most of those days I ended up writing 2k without feeling too bad. XD
    Thank you for writing this post, girly. I would have agreed with you hands on about this, but I seriously needed to read that. Thank you SO much! <33

    1. Aww!! That makes me so happy to hear! I mean, not that you were feeling that way, but that this helped you! XD Yes, I totally get what you're saying. I've been there, and it's not fun. But when I let the story flow at its own pace it always goes SO much better for me!! I hope it will for you as well!!
      You're welcome! I'm so glad that it was able to bless you!! Keep up the good work, Kenz, and keep writing!!


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