
Friday, February 26, 2021

Writer's Block

Are you a writer struggling with writer's block? Are you sitting in front of a blank piece of paper or computer screen waiting for the words to come but, as hard as you try, they just aren't coming? Maybe that's why you're reading this blog post, because you're procrastinating.

Well, despite what you may be thinking, sadly, I am not here to offer you words of advice on how to conquer this inner turmoil you are experiencing. But neither am I here empty handed!

I come bearing a poem written by yours truly that will hopefully encourage and remind you that you are not alone! There are a countless amount of writers in the world and all of them experience writer's block at some time or another. Right now, that fate has fallen to you.

So here is a poem that I wrote one time when I was going through writer's block. At the time it didn't matter what I did, I could not get any words out of my head and onto the paper. Through that frustration I was somehow able to write this poem and then, after that, the flood gates opened once again and my inner creativity came to life for me to write. I hope that this poem may be just the thing you need as well to spark your imagination and get you back to writing!

Here it is...

Writer's Block

I sit, I stare, I pace, I stand,

My pencil's ready, close at hand.

I sigh, I grimace, I wait and wait,

But still my thoughts won't come out straight.

I twiddle my thumbs, I tap my shoe

But still I don't know what to do.

My brain is foggy, my thoughts unclear,

My mind is anywhere but here.

My paper is empty, it's glaring at me

Saying, "What a great writer you turned out to be!"

I stare out my window, I look at the wall

Not actually seeing anything at all.

A thought comes to mind as I stifle a yawn

But as quickly as it came it's already gone.

I throw down my pencil, toss my notebook aside,

I should at least get a medal that says I tried.

I leave my misery and dive into bed,

I think I'll take up nursing or teaching instead!

Can you sympathize with the poem? Is that what you're experiencing right now? How do you cope with writer's block? I'd love to hear your answers and thoughts in the comments!




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